Monday, July 5, 2010

I am Born.... Yet Again

Yeeeee finally its 6th. The breath holding, shuddering goosebumps out of frenzy, the anxiety, the feel that takes you to the top of this world is finally here....Oh!!!! the clock has just ticked. Its 12.00 a.m.... I am born. Happy birthday to me...
Ahhh.. whom am I kidding? It's nothing like this. NO goosebumps, no birthday bumps, no breath taking moments, no rainbow colored gift packs... Its just another day, nothing being special about it. I continue being nocturnal sitting in front of my computer waiting for my unlimited download to begin, writing this blog to kill my time till 2.00 a.m.
After 22 years of this yearly ritual there seems no charm to it. Every body including me is so used to it that this day seems to be lost amongst the 364+1 days of the year. A lot of people posted on my wall saying 'Happy Birth Day Ande', but now its tough to find a reason to be happy about this day. All grown ups are like this and probably I should feel happy for not being happy as this makes me one of them.
Retrospecting the past year of my life, there again seems no hope of being happy or celebrating blithely. There is yet another twist in dis limerick: there is a complete session every year where I sit quietly in my room making resolutions for the new year of my life. And now today when I tried, I found myself laughing at a series of broken rules, guidelines and committed peccadilloes and finally I renounced the procedure farcical. But still I found a reason to laugh so I should be happy for this.
I am not writing this because I have a grudge against the things that have changed the proclivity of this day but to express that things change and you have to change with them... Probably people who wished me at 12.00 a.m last year will call me today before 12.00 p.m and next year will send a card adding belated to their wishes but this will give me a complete year to prepare myself for the change, to grow and to find other reasons to be
Happy on my Birth Day.


  1. hey..happy birthday....but why do u sound so sad...birthday is one special day to celebrate all those years of ur survival, ur existence, ur struggle and ur achievements...

  2. Being nocturnal has clouded your judgment life isn't this bad

  3. happy birthday dude ;) load na le, cheer up.

  4. thanx a lot people for reading this post and telling me that life isn't that bad.... I think once in a lifetime one has to realize the things that I wrote in this post... this year it was for me... hope its never the same for u all, ever

  5. hey sabse pehle happy bday sir !!
    but u sound sad , lost nd nt really excited ... dat made me feel upset too ... nd haan i gess u hv really grown up now .. like u hv startd takin things ... very like extremely seriously !!
