Monday, February 14, 2011

The Homecoming

The horizon on the far end is brushed with a gamut of colors: the blue sky fading into the strokes of yellow and orange with a hint of pink at the bottom. The sun has long gone into the gulf of darkness, whatever left is the faint expression of the adieu to the long tiresome day. Soon there will be only a single color of night. This night seems to bring a lot of promises for a better tomorrow but still darkness is what brings an air of anticipation and anxiety into the mind space that seems to be restless by just looking out this small window. It is like floating in the ocean of darkness with no pole star above you to guide you on what seems to be a never ending road. It reminds me of a dry leaf that has long been detached from its branch and lost the root that used to keep it green, on a windy street being dragged, pushed and agitated on the mercy of the winds that toss it from pillars to post. Long back this leaf had a dream to fly like the birds that used to come to it’s tree for shelter and one day with hope to find its own sky and wings it left its abode. There was no turning back, it knew but it was also ignorant of what lies ahead. In anticipation and a surge of optimism it surrendered itself to the winds finding new legs and wings in each stroke of the wind, scaling new heights and touching new skies but then the winds grew cruel. It was battered, hammered and dragged brutally till the last corner down the road and then smashed on the wall like a million times. Now it has lost its color, someday it was green, prosperous and juvenile now it is pale, dull and ancient. Though it still wants to touch the blue but it misses the green abode where it was fed and nourished. Lying there at the corner of the dusty path the leaf decays and becomes the nourishment for the tree nearby and soon its essence finds itself in a new green abode with rejuvenated dream of touching the blue sky.

P.S: Tonight similar feelings grip the mind space. The leaf might just be a metaphor but something has really decayed in me that needs to be revoked and refurbished, so that I can once again chase my own blue sky.

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